Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 9, 2013

CT-50: Review Examining Tyler Bramlett

CT-50 Review

CT-50 Fitness and fat loss by Tyler Bramlett Review

CT-50 is about the movements you put your body through each and every time you exercise. It isn’t about long sessions of boring cardio or high intensity interval training (HIIT) or calorie counting and it’s not about denying yourself all the foods you love,” reports Stevenson.
 “Users also get video demonstrations of every single exercise, complete follow along video workouts, and unique CT-50 wall charts that they can print off for easy reference wherever and whenever they want them. All the information is presented in an easy -to-follow blueprint that will have you looking and feeling better within a few days of commencing the program.”

Go official website  :

CT-50 consists of five different levels. Level one is where people begin to start the simple movements such as ‘one leg shin taps, ‘shoulder bridge lifts,’ ‘body rows,’ and ‘Turkish arm bars’ , which give them the basis they need to work through the rest of the program. Level two includes movements like ‘burpee walk outs,’ ‘Turkish sit ups,’ and ‘single unders’ and the exercises become slightly more challenging at level three as the body begins to get strong.
Level four involves more complex and intense movements that shape and tone the body and even in the final level, people never have to do any boring cardio or crazy high intensity workouts, which are the biggest reasons that they give up on their fitness attempts. Level five is where they learn such movements as ‘kipping pull ups,’ ‘grasshoppers,’ ‘vertical pike presses,’ ‘inchworms,’ and goblet jump squats.'

Go official website  :

“Fat or thin, male or female, young or old, this program will literally take you by the hand and guide you through exactly what you need to do to get fit and look fabulous; all with only an hour per week of exercise,” says Stevenson. “Our CT-50 review shows it includes a supplement guide, the super workout smoothie guide that is custom created to help you burn more fat, preserve lean muscle, and recover even faster from your CT-50 workouts, and the CT-50 workout integration guide for those who want to combine their workouts with other sports as well."

“CT-50 is a fitness program that’s suitable for anyone. In fact, you can complete the program right within your own home, with no need to purchase any special equipment whatsoever. You get two whole months to try out one of the most innovative workout programs to hit the markets in a long time.

For those who've tried every other method you can think of to lose weight and build muscle, just give this cross training workout program a try. Whether or not you have a reasonable level of fitness to start with, are a couch potato, or are recovering from an illness or accident, there’s no need to splash out on expensive gym fees. This workout program really is a genuine way to look fabulous!”
Go official website  :